Catnip.Money — Magic Internet Money 2.0

Catnip Money
5 min readApr 26, 2021

Degens, chads, diamond hands and big brains, take a seat and get comfy.

The DeFi community deserve a gem that shines amongst the hordes of low quality tokens flooding DeFi. We created Catnip to deliver on this, with tokenomics that sustainably raise the price floor and NFTs which are the worlds first in their yielding capabilities. We’re creating a true ecosystem of money and want to offer fellow moonshot hunters the opportunity to be part of something unique.

Keep reading to learn more and then pop into our Telegram and join the growing mew-vement!

CATNIP Total supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 CATNIP (Quadrillion)
CATNIP Contract: 0xc91d49653f0364aa9c7877697eb27313c973ad9d
CATNIP Presale date: 27/04/2021 @ 11.30PM GMT+1
Presale Softcap: 150 BNB
Presale Hardcap: 250 BNB
Minimum Contribution: 0.1 BNB
Maximum Contribution: 1 BNB
Presale Venue: DxSale (Only use official links from
CATNIP Supply Allocation: 95% Community (Presale & Liquidity), 3.0% Marketing & Development, 1.06% DxSale Fee, 0.94% Burned
Contract Ownership: Renounced after presale has been finalised.

Purr-fected tokenomics for sustainable gains

We paid attention during Pumpanomics class and Catnip is a reflection of that. Catnip applies a moon-tax to each transaction to ensure positive price action in the short and long term.

4% of each transaction is used to auto-inject liquidity, providing a host of benefits for holders:

  • Sustained increases in liquidity from auto-injections causes the price floor to steadily rise alongside it.
  • BNB and CATNIP is continuously being added to the liquidity pool in a linear fashion, causing circulating supply to decrease with it. Less CATNIP in circulation results in less tokens being in the hands of potential sellers. The powers of supply & demand are strong.
The pump is in the code.

3% of each transaction is proportionally redistributed to holders:

  • The longer a person holds CATNIP the more their balance rises in a compounding fashion. This functions as a reward for loyalty to the protocol, a form of auto-staking which is done automatically with each transaction.

Safe Launch Protocol #1: Whale Control

Ever battled a hoard of bots and whales trying to get a buy filled, only to see your transaction fail and gas wasted? Even worse the price of the token rose 15-20% in a matter of seconds. Whales, whales whales… When will they learn?

We’re putting a stop to these bandits by setting a max buy per transaction of 1% of supply to stop whales and bots sniping large percents of supply in the early stages of the protocol, whilst also helping off-sets rapid price shocks. Another win for the good guys.

Safe Launch Protocol #2: Presale Allocation

We want the fairest launch possible for Catnip Money, so we’re limiting participants to maximum of 1 BNB per wallet and a minimum of 0.1 BNB. With a 180 BNB softcap & 250 BNB hardcap in place, there will be at the very minimum 250 starting participants ensuring a fair and well distributed launch.

The First Generation of Yield Generating NFTs

These NFTs are Catnip Moneys secret weapon. Catnip Yield NFTs allow their holders to enjoy passive rewards in the form of the upcoming rewards token, PURR.

Catnip Yield NFTs are undergoing an extensive makeover! (Work in progress)

The PURR yield rate is determined by the Attack rating of the NFT, with 100 Attack being the maximum rating for a single Catnip Yield NFT. Holders can enjoy the passive earnings from their NFT(s) without needing to hold any CATNIP in their wallet, simply redeem rewards periodically from the Garden Faucet.

These NFTs have the vital role of being initial distributors of the PURR rewards token, so hold your PURR rewards, sell them or trade them — we thank you for your service!

Whilst PURR acts as a reward for CATNIP & NFT holders, providing them with free tokens to distribute, it also supports charities autonomously for life.

A portion of each PURR transactions is directly sent to each charities wallet automatically via the PURR smart contract. The Catnip team will be working with the charities to help setup and secure their BEP20 wallets. The charities will be selected via a community vote.

The Catnip Yield NFTs have been designed to be true standalone dividend paying assets, ones which maintain their value outside of mere speculation. We’re really excited about these, and from our research they will be the worlds first yielding NFTs of it’s kind.

We‘re building a true ecosystem around Catnip Money that doesn’t just change the lives of holders but also those less fortunate via transparently supporting charitable ventures.

More PURR info coming soon.

PURR Total supply: TBA
PURR Release date: Early Q3 2021
Distribution mechanism: PURR Garden Faucet
Emission rate: TBA
Initial pairings: CATNIP/PURR & BNB/PURR
Initial liquidity: Provided by the Catnip Money team
PURR supply allocation: 40% CATNIP holders, 40% NFT holders, 20% LP owners

Roadmap 2021

Catnip Money is destined for the starts, our team knew it the second we conjured the concept and vision. So we hope you’re ready for the upcoming marketing blitz which will be a major focus of the team in the early phase of the project.

We have a few targets we’re wanting to reach and we’ll be doing our damned best to reach them. Come join us for the ride!

Q2 2021

Q3 2021

  • Catnip Money Podcast launch
  • PURR Garden Faucet (allows CATNIP & NFT owners to claim PURR rewards)
  • CATNIP/PURR & BNB/PURR pair creation on PancakeSwap
  • Automated charity distribution begins
  • WhiteBit Exchange ($20–50k USD needed)
  • Expansion of social media partnerships
  • Podcast collaborations
  • Certik Audit
  • Fundraising Target: $250,000 raised by the end of Q3

Q4 2021

  • Catnip Money Foundation formation
  • Tier 2 exchange listings
  • New Yield NFTs for CATNIP and PURR holders
  • Catnip Money NFT Marketplace
  • Top Tier Twitter and YouTube influencer sponsorships
  • Catnip Money Crypto VISA cards (est. $1,500,000 needed)
  • Charity Fundraising Target: $1,000,000 raised by the end of Q4

Join the growing community!

The Catnip Money community is the most important part to the project. Without you guys, all our work is for nothing. We want to change the lives of our holders, community and team but also help those less fortunate, all through the power of smart contracts and love.

Join our Telegram and mingle with the growing Catnip Money community! 🚀



Catnip Money

Catnip is the fair launch token built for gains. Featuring the worlds first yielding NFTs, auto-liquidity locks & more. Join the mew-vement!